Mahamad Charawi

Mahamad Charawi

Laudspeaker CTO
103 points
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Mahamad Charawi
Build beautiful, on-brand product onboarding tours with our no code modal designer, and journey builder. Target specific users and trigger the campaigns based on complex logic - no engineering required.
Laudspeaker Product Adoption
Open source product onboarding and adoption tools
Mahamad Charawi
Laudspeaker is an open source alternative to customer io / iterable. Build customer journeys with our no code tool.

Laudspeaker v1.1.0
Open source omnichannel customer journey automation
Mahamad Charawi
Laudspeaker is an open source alternative to customer io / iterable. Build customer journeys with our no code tool. ā­ šŸ™
Open source cross channel marketing and messaging platform
Mahamad Charawi
Tachyon is a developer-first API, that makes big data transfer a breeze. For example we help life sciences companies move around terabytes of sequencing information in a fast, secure painless way.
APIs for fast big data transfer, move files in ā‰¤ 5 lines