Mahsum Akbaş

Mahsum Akbaş

Bring Quality to Your Software Projects
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Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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1 year streak and in top 100 member

I am a PH subscriber for long time but last year I had a target of 30 days streak. Actually, it was such a small challenge for me to exercise some discipline skills. Day agter day, I realized that it can be longer and longer. Then 3 months target, then first 200 target and then told myself "why not more than a year". and I did it 💪🏼 I got badge of 365 days streak and also in top 100 members(now...
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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great product. make marketing easier.
Marketing GPTs
Save time on daily marketing tasks
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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congratulations. very nice project.
BeforeSunset AI Teams
AI-powered workspace: plan & execute together
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
started a discussion

Does Product Hunt become AI trash?

After raise of ChatGPT and other AI tools, there was "AI based" product explosion. most of launch on PH are consist of those products. Actually, most of them are API call under the hook, mostly there is not any extra value proposition. I am not sure if it is sustainable or not, but I think most of them will fail after a while. Already cost of each API call is higher than income. What do you...
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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congratulations Yavuz. Wish you best lucks.
Yavuz Tunc Emran
Coming Soon: Get Ready for Something Big! 🔥🚀
Yavuz Tunc Emran
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Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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consistency is key! congratulations. soon you will see 250!
25 days streak🚀 Waiting for my 100 days streak, where are you?
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Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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Congratulations. When you "invest" on anything, you will get its "results" soon.
Anil Matcha
Reached 2000+ followers on Product Hunt in less than 8 months!!
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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congratulations. Wish you higher successes.
Ghulam Abbas
700 PH kitty points 🏅 How many do you have?
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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Spamming! most of teams really makes me disturbing because of sending same message again and again.
Jao Japitana
What are the things I should avoid doing in preparation for a Product Launch?
Mahsum Akbaş
Mahsum Akbaş
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Yes, that's why there is many UX agents.
Shayan Ali
Do you think business need UI design services?