Malak Koshty

Malak Koshty

Product Storytelling
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Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
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This is super valuable! Can't wait to try it out.
Discover best no code tools for your project
Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
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We Launched!! Any advice on how to stay calm and collected throughout the day? πŸ₯²

You can check it the launch here, I'd love to hear feedback from you guys?
Malak Koshty
Referd is the easiest way to create and manage mobile app referral campaigns. Explore our extensive rewards marketplace featuring 5000+ providers, lightweight SDKs and a plug-and-play process, you'll have your referral program up and running within minutes.
Launch your mobile referral program in minutes
Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
started a discussion

Has the time difference on PH ever benefited anyone launching? How do you take advantage of it?

To explain, 12:00AM PST is 10AM where I'm from - I feel like we could utilize the first 12 hours for our advantage, does anyone have any experience on this?
Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
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Voted! How is launch day going? :)
Priyanka Saini
🌈 Join Us We are Live: Your Feedback/Testimonial, Our Strength πŸŒŸπŸ™
Priyanka Saini
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Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
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Asked this questions a few days ago, I'm wondering about the number/ratio of decision makers on PH? Senior PMS, devs etc.
Aditya Chavan
SaaS Products Or Consumer Products, which ones do better on PH Launch?
Aditya Chavan
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Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
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Where are some of the best channels to promote your launch BEFORE launch day?πŸš€

Slack channels, reddit threads, anything that comes to mind! Also, what's the best way to do it? Send them to your "Coming soon" page or something more advanced?
Malak Koshty
Malak Koshty
started a discussion

Do you have a referral strategy in your product?

If yes - how did you create it? Using a third party tool or in-house?