Manisha Rautela

Manisha Rautela

Marketer at CedCommerce!
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Manisha Rautela
Take a step towards digital transformation with our powerful, future ready, customizable marketplace solutions.
Build your business from the ground-up. Unique solutions for those who dream to be different!
Magento 2 Marketpace Extension
Build an online marketplace in no time
Manisha Rautela
PWA is a revolutionary solution for developing an omnichannel eCommerce. It's time to get a future-proof Omni-platform eCommerce solution.
Embrace the technological evolution and join the future of eCommerce with the CedCommerce Cenia Pro theme for Magento.
Cenia Pro PWA Theme for Magento 2
Cenia Pro PWA Theme for Magento 2
Best Magento 2 PWA Theme For ECommerce
Manisha Rautela
Catch Magento 2 integration extension offers a flawless support to the merchants by establishing the perfect sync between the Magento 2 store and the Catch marketplace.It helps to enhance selling through its automated selling features.
Catch Magento 2 Integration
Catch Magento 2 Integration
Connecting Magento 2 with Catch
Manisha Rautela
The Magento 2 Reverb integration facilitates sellers to list their Magento store products on Reverb and also enables synchronization of price, orders, inventory, products between Magento 2 store and Reverb marketplace.
Reverb Magento 2 Integration
Reverb Magento 2 Integration
Connecting Magento 2 with Reverb
Manisha Rautela
Lazada Magento 2 Integration is an online selling solution that acts as an interface between the Lazada marketplace with Magento 2 store. With this enhanced integration extension, you can experience an automated and hassle-free selling.
Lazada Magento 2 Integration
Lazada Magento 2 Integration
Connecting Lazada with Magento 2
Manisha Rautela
eBay Magento 2 multichannel integration is a tool which provides a complete online selling solution to the merchants.With its centralized platform from where sellers can easily list products on eBay directly from their Magento 2 platform.
eBay Magento 2 Integration
eBay Magento 2 Integration
Connecting eBay with Magento 2
Manisha Rautela
Magento 2 Facebook Shop Integration by Cedcommerce integrates your Facebook Shop with Magento 2 seller panel.By using this Facebook Shop integration, merchants can get innovative features like automated product listing, synchronized inventory and much more.
Facebook Shop Magento 2 Integration
Facebook Shop Magento 2 Integration
Connecting Facebook with Magento 2
Manisha Rautela

Jet Shopify Integration by CedCommerce is the ultimate solution to list, sync, and manage your products' price, inventory, & order on

Start your seller journey Today! We'll assist you at every step :)

Jet Shopify Integration by CedCommerce
Jet Shopify Integration by CedCommerce
List, Sync & Automate your sales at Jet Marketplace.
Manisha Rautela

Sell on Integrate Your Shopify Store With Walmart and add another dimension to your sales channels. Experience the Real-time Error Handling, Auto Acknowledge Orders, Products Synchronisation, Variants Product Support, Fully Featured Dashboard, Connect with Walmart Now.

Walmart Shopify Integration by CedCommerce
Walmart Shopify Integration by CedCommerce
List, Sync, Manage, & Automate your sales on