Manuel Coffin

Manuel Coffin

Hi! I'm Manu, developer and entrepreneur
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Manuel Coffin
Free tool to generate professional Open Graph images instantly. Create eye-catching social media previews for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. Perfect for Next.js projects.
Open Graph Image Generator
Open Graph Image Generator
Create beautiful og images in seconds
Manuel Coffin
Free tool to generate professional Shadcn UI themes instantly. Preview on landing pages and dashboards, ensure WCAG compliance, and export ready-to-use code.
Shadcn/ui Theme Generator
Shadcn/ui Theme Generator
Create beautiful Shadcn UI themes in seconds
Manuel Coffin
Are you duplicating pages and replacing text on your WordPress site manually? With SpinPress, you can create your template page once and generate unlimited variations in just a few clicks.
Rank #1 for Unlimited Long Tail Keywords with SEO Automation