Marley'bongwe Mlambo

Marley'bongwe Mlambo

Founder and CEO of Pagiis
13 points
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Marley'bongwe Mlambo
Pagiis is a real-time location public based user interaction platform. Pagiis is designed and created for public space interactions.
Real-time location-based interactions platform.
Marley'bongwe Mlambo
Marley'bongwe Mlambo
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Steve Jobs. He Made everything make sense.
Siddhesh Lokare
Who is your all time favorite founder and why?
Siddhesh Lokare
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Marley'bongwe Mlambo
Marley'bongwe Mlambo
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Solving problems for the youth.
Julia Doronina
Where do you get your inspiration/ideas?
Julia Doronina
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Marley'bongwe Mlambo
Pagiis ( uses real time location to capture information which has been air-dropped around the Pagiis user, it could be information posted by other pagiis users or other channels. This platform is intended for both social and advertisement.
Real-time location based social and advertisement platform