Martin Oppenheimer

Martin Oppenheimer

@Light-it, @CompliantChatGPT, @Puppeteer
18 points
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Martin Oppenheimer
An AI agent for healthcare-related tasks that keeps patients’ data safe, secure, and HIPAA compliant. - Tailored Healthcare Modes - User-Friendly Healthcare Assistance - Effortless Healthcare Efficiency - Speech-to-Text Notes - Personalized Solutions
ChatGPT, but HIPAA compliant
Martin Oppenheimer
Martin Oppenheimer
left a comment
This a truly great product
Big Room
Big Room
Convert landscape video to vertical clips 10x faster with AI
Martin Oppenheimer
Martin Oppenheimer
left a comment
Great work! Interesting product.
Quiet Reader (Mac)
Read articles + text blocks (any app) distraction free.