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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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From 36 days ago!
Henry Burkert
How long have you been a member of Product Hunt?
Henry Burkert
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Matheus Alencar
Unlimited web design & development requests for a monthly subscription plan. Join Webdsubs to build and scale your business in a fun and engaging way, all while saving time and money. Cancel when you’re done, No contracts or surprises.
Web design & development subscription service
Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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''Stay hard''
Austin Armstrong
You meet your 13-year old self & only have 3 words to say. What would they be?
Austin Armstrong
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Making improvements on Webdsubs and launching May 29th
Ghulam Abbas
What are you currently working on, and when do you plan to launch?
Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Congrats! I'm 30 days in πŸ’ͺ
Ghulam Abbas
340 Day Streak πŸ”₯ what's yours?
+1 comment
Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Transforming your visitors into customers.
JD Worcester
Share your startup's tagline/slogan? πŸš€
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Coffee β˜•
Tea or Coffee?
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Good luck Yuki! That's an amazing idea!
Launching soon, would love any tips/advice!
+1 comment
Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Congratulations! Already gave my support Michael :)
Michael Shver
We have launched! Who else is also live today?
Michael Shver
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Brazil, feeling like the only one in here
Julia Engelsmann
Which country are you from? ☺️
Julia Engelsmann
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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I use the app Focus To-Do to set a timer for 90 minutes of work blocks, without any distractions.
Julia Engelsmann
Do you know other concentration/time management methods besides Pomodoro?
Julia Engelsmann
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Portuguese and English
Priyanka Saini
What languages do you speak?
Priyanka Saini
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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day 9 πŸ’ͺ
Ghulam Abbas
Celebrating my 320 days Streak πŸ”₯ What's yours?
Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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Pure coffee, with no sugar :)
Priyanka Saini
Tea or coffee? What's the first drink you reach for when you wake up?
Priyanka Saini
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Matheus Alencar
Matheus Alencar
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One of the main reasons why I productized my services was because of async communication, for me it's way more efficient
Naime Yel
Which work style is more efficient for you: Synchronous work or Asynchronous work?