Matthew Hagens

Matthew Hagens

Tech Entrepreneur
5 points
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Matthew Hagens
EthicalCheck™ -- Never release your applications without security testing.

Test your production/development APIs with EthicalCheck™ -- A web-based interface that has delivered hundreds of API security reports to developers and startups since its launch.
Instant REST API Penetration Testing
Matthew Hagens
Flash your screen to speak and create custom msgs to be heard in a crowd.
No Chat
No Chat
Flash your screen to speak
Matthew Hagens
A pixelated NFT goldendoodle
Gangster Doodle - Zo Bomb NFT
Gangster Doodle - Zo Bomb NFT
Goldendoodle meets openseameets gangster
Matthew Hagens
No Chat allows a user to create a quick custom msg that is displayed & flashed on your phone screen. It displays custom msgs or you can pick from quick templates for commonly asked phrases such as: "close my tab" or "can I have another round".
No Chat
No Chat
A new app that helps get a drink faster at a loud bar
Matthew Hagens
Matthew Hagens
left a comment
Simple, but useful idea. I see this working great at concerts.
No Chat
No Chat
Speak without speaking using quick custom msgs on your phone
Matthew Hagens
Matthew Hagens
left a comment
So much better then taking a black Snapchat screen and scribbling text
Morse Code Light
Morse Code Light
The only app to communicate better in a loud environment
Matthew Hagens
Morse Code Light is the only app that allows you to communicate better in a loud environment. Picture this, you're at a noisy bar trying to order another drink, but the bartender simply can't hear you. Use Morse Code instead to blast a msg over your screen.
Morse Code Light
Morse Code Light
The only app to communicate better in a loud environment