Mayank Aggarwal

Mayank Aggarwal

Software Developer Intern @Zomato
All activity
Mayank Aggarwal
💻 Code:
🌐 Website:
🌐 API:
Stackoverflow CLONE
Stackoverflow CLONE
Website built using MySQL, Express, React, Node, Sequelize
Mayank Aggarwal
This project is a replica of a famous Q/A website for developers as the name suggests, and it's made on a completely different stack with the necessary functionalities.
Stack Overflow Clone (MERN)
Clone project of a famous Q/A website for developers.
Mayank Aggarwal
This is the portfolio that I built for better demonstration of my skills, projects and allowing the user to reach out to me with ease. It was built using various popular JavaScript libraries like ScrollMagic, Owl-carousel, etc.
My Portfolio
My Portfolio
Reach out to me on my portfolio I designed in my own