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Stuart McCroden
Pen Addict - Just Colo(u)ring
Pen Addict - Just Colo(u)ring
Discussion of the special XOXO Field Notes, some other note…
Stuart McCroden
Canary Tokens
Canary Tokens
Deploy tiny traps to detect hackers and breaches
Stuart McCroden
Go from spreadsheets to discoveries during your coffee break
Stuart McCroden
Data Skeptic Podcast
Data Skeptic Podcast
Data/Stats/ML podcast with a great Mini series
Stuart McCroden
Stuart McCroden
left a comment
It's a sub $50, single malt scotch.
Glenlivet 12 Year Old
Glenlivet 12 Year Old
It'll knock the peat out of you
Stuart McCroden
Glenlivet 12 Year Old
Glenlivet 12 Year Old
It'll knock the peat out of you