All activity

Track calories, sugar, food quality, sleep, hydration, and exercise with a rolling seven day average. Get hourly, daily, and weekly feedback without any pressure. front and center with invitations to explore as deep as you want.

Modern Calorie Tracking

Mike Ciarlo
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Hello Product Hunt! Today is a huge day for me. Calorie tracking is a crowded market and Fuel represents years of refinement and consideration. I’ve worked hard to try and create something that contributes something new to the conversation.
My hypothesis (and backed by research) is that most people don't need to complicate their health. You can get a ton of benefits by focusing on 4 core...

Modern Calorie Tracking

Track calories and nutrients with a flexible calorie window. Personalize your experience for any goal, including weight loss, muscle gain, healthier habits & more. Fuel supports you long-term for habits that stick.

Fuel: Diet Tracking
For health, habits & fitness

Mike Ciarlo
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Hello Product Hunt 👋
My name is Mike and I'm the designer and developer of Fuel! Fitness and nutrition have been a big part of my life for over fifteen years, so I decided to put all my knowledge and experience into an app.
Fuel, like my other app Doo: Get Things Done, is the result of my personal frustration with other experiences out there. The most popular ones seem to be the most...

Fuel: Diet Tracking
For health, habits & fitness

Track calories and macronutrients with a flexible range. Personalize insights to stay on top of blood sugar, weight loss, workouts, and more. Fuel adapts to you. Create long-term habits and hit goals.

Flexible calorie & nutrient tracking

Mike Ciarlo
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Hi Product Hunt!
My name is Michael and I'm the designer and developer of Fuel. This has been _the_ definition of a passion project. Name any calorie tracker and I've probably used it. And yet after fifteen years of health and fitness tracking, I still hadn't found the right app.
So I made my own.
Fuel is calorie tracking with reliable data and a purposeful design. Every food is verified....

Flexible calorie & nutrient tracking

Mike Ciarlo
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I found myself becoming anxious at the gym because of the constant noise of cable news on all the TVs. They switched away from the talking heads to happy content like Whole's inspiration feed and it improved my mood significantly. There's definitely something to be said for the power of positivity. Looking forward to seeing where this goes from here!
Self care habit builder to improve your mental health

Doo helps you build sustainable habits that keep you focused. Create a card for each task. Pick a few tasks each day and snooze the rest. Over time your completed cards become finished projects, without the productivity guilt.
Doo 3
Simplify your to-do list.

Mike Ciarlo
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Hi Product Hunt! 👋
Doo 3 is the next iteration of my to-do app obsession. In case you don't know, I started Doo as a revolt against typical productivity software. I reject the idea that you need 1,000 features and instead want to focus on building something with an opinion. I want people to discover how to build better habits without feeling bogged down by their software.
There are some big...
Doo 3
Simplify your to-do list.

Mike Ciarlo
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Hi everyone! My name is Mike and I’m back on Product Hunt after a year of work on my reminders app Doo.
Doo 2 is a major relaunch with big new features and a polished new design. The original Doo had a lot of potential. I see today as an opportunity for others to see that potentially more fully realized.
The biggest new features in Doo 2 are reminder collaboration, locations, and checklists....
Doo 2
Reminders that work

Mike Ciarlo
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Hello Product Hunt! 😄
My name is Michael and this is my second time posting. I launched Doo for iOS on PH back in February after quitting my job and starting a company. The goal was to wrap a bunch of smart features into a deceptively simple and satisfying interface. Since then I've been overwhelmed and humbled by the response.
Fast forward three months and I've read every piece of feedback I...
Doo for Mac
The popular iOS to-do app, now on Mac

Doo for Mac
The popular iOS to-do app, now on Mac

Mike Ciarlo
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I wrote a little behind-the-scenes look at Doo and the future of the app. 😄 You can check it out in the Medium post here:

A smart, simple app for reminders and to-dos

Mike Ciarlo
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Hello Product Hunt! 😄
Doo is my first product since leaving my job three months ago. It's been a labor of love! I'm so excited and grateful to share it with you.
Believe it or not, I started this project over four years ago. I went looking for a to-do app that would remind me to pay my bills, but everything I found was too complicated for what I wanted. I jumped into Photoshop and came up...

A smart, simple app for reminders and to-dos