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  • Mgs M Rizqi Fadhlurrahman

    Mgs M Rizqi Fadhlurrahman

    Solopreneur & Software Engineer


    I am a solopreneur and currently working as a Front End Engineer at Bukalapak. I majored in Computer Science at the University of Indonesia. My passion is web development and motion graphic design. In recent years, I have been doing some projects and freelancing in those fields. I am constantly looking for ways to improve something I love. The good thing is, I love to write lines of code. Whether to build something valuable and beautiful simultaneously or just tinker around with something interesting to make it more effective and efficient.


    Gone streaking 10
    Gone streaking 10
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking
    Gone streaking 5
    Gone streaking 5

    Maker History

    • DreamPreweddingAI
      Create your prewedding photos using AI
      Jan 2024
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      Joined Product HuntSeptember 18th, 2023