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Michael Daineka
Experience real-time connections on RadiusChat, where meaningful conversations unfold within your radius.
Radius Chat
Talk to people nearby
Michael Daineka
This is Angular frontend & backend template. Backend built with .NET core and MS SQL Server database.
Angular Material Admin .NET Core
Angular Material Admin .NET Core
Angular Material Admin with .NET Core 3 backend
Michael Daineka
Flatlogic team made new typography, icons, and datatables especially for this admin dashboard template. White, orange, and grey color schemes along with deep background give this template a modern look. Flatlogic One React was made with Bootstrap4 and Redux.
FlatlogicOne - Free React Admin Template
FlatlogicOne - Free React Admin Template
Open-source template made with React 16 and Redux
Michael Daineka
This is a developer oriented template made with React 16 and Material-UI. React Material admin dashboard has Sketch files included. 33+ components and 40+ pages make this tool perfect for developing any type of web app.
React Material Admin Template Full
React Material Admin Template Full
React Material-UI Admin & Dashboard Template
Michael Daineka
This is a completely open-source admin template built with Bootstrap 4. We used the latest versions of React and Webpack and provided full documentation for you to quickly customize this admin dashboard to your needs.
Light Blue React Template
Light Blue React Template
Free React Template with Stylish Transparent Design
Michael Daineka
We built this React.js admin template with Material-UI framework. What is more, we integrated it with Node.js and Postgres database. We made a complete front-end + backend solution for any SAAS, E-commerce, CMS, or any other web app.
React Material UI Admin Node.js
React Material UI Admin Node.js
React Material UI Admin with Node.js Backend