Michael Dwan

Michael Dwan

supercalifragilistics @ fly.io
39 points
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Michael Dwan
Turboku is a tool for launching Heroku web dynos on fast infrastructure. It works by giving you modern SSL + http2 and launching dedicated micro VMs on physical hardware.
Make your Heroku web dynos 60% faster with fly.io
Michael Dwan
Slackbot for Highrise
Slackbot for Highrise
Tasks & convos with customers recorded in a simple CRM
Michael Dwan
Highrise CRM for Android
Highrise CRM for Android
A simple CRM for small businesses now available on Android
Michael Dwan
Highrise 2.0 for the iPhone
Highrise 2.0 for the iPhone
Simple CRM tool redesigned by the new team behind Highrise