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Michael Le
Michael Le
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Bartender has always been one of the first programs I install on my macbooks. 7+ year fan.
Bartender 4
Bartender 4
Award-winning app for macOS that superpowers your menu bar
Michael Le
Michael Le
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You can add some structured data (json+ld) for the recipes to SEO better.
Hacks to make instant ramen even better
Michael Le
Michael Le
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I'm enjoying tailwind css, this kit should cut my development time. Thanks for a great product.
Tailwind UI Kit
Tailwind UI Kit
600+ components, 30 templates, React, Angular, & Vue support
Michael Le
Michael Le
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This is cool. Easy to follow.
Track Biden
Track Biden's first 100 days
Michael Le
Michael Le
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Such a clever name!
Plant Parenthood
Plant Parenthood
A digital companion and community for plant parents 🌱
Michael Le
Michael Le
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Looks good, hopefully it'll clear my inbox a bit.
Automated email digests from Twitter, Reddit, YouTube & more