Michał Urbanowicz

Michał Urbanowicz

Marketing geek, working on PressPad
36 points
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Michał Urbanowicz
Did you know that over 50% of your blog visitors never return? With PressPad News App you can make them come back.
News apps by PressPad
WordPress to apps. A native news apps platform.
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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This is so great! No more PSD cutting I believe 😉
Handoff by Marvel
Handoff by Marvel
Automatically turn designs into assets, specs and code
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Really nice! Love the idea of nice placed ads which don't look too "loudly" 🙂
Digital allergy calendars customized for your city. 📅 👌
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Money is a great reason to quit! Nice! 😀
Quit Smoking Now
Quit Smoking Now
Reminds you how much money you're saving by quitting smoking
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Looking great! The silicon is made to be soft or hard?
A $15 Wireless Charging Protective Case for AirPods ⚡
+1 comment
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Nice idea! Did you get inspired by Elon Musk's 5 min slots? 🙂
Colorful way to track your time! Inspired by Wait But Why
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Great! I'm going to start learning right away! 🙂
iOS Development E-Book Bootcamp
Learn to code & build iOS apps with no experience for $0 💻📱
+1 comment
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Great! The noise of Magic Mouse rubbing my desk is making me crazy 😂
PureShape Mousepad
Enhance your productivity with Apple Magic Mouse
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Hah love it! :D
Products for pessimists ☹️
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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Nice! :)
Working with multiple monitors made right.
Michał Urbanowicz
Michał Urbanowicz
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This is absolutely awesome!
A live design output that integrates with code editor