Michele Tucci

Michele Tucci

FinTech, AI/ML, Embedded Finance
1 point


I developed a strong interest in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applied to financial services about 8 years ago, which is when I first started working on solutions that improve and facilitate access to financial services at fair terms. Before moving to Miami, I lived in Boston and NYC, Rome, Milan, Moscow, Dubai, Singapore. I've also had 3-months long consulting projects in London, Sydney, Shanghai. I occasionally speak on FinTech-related topics, payments, AI/ML, and the intersection of financial services with other industries (ride-hailing, online travel booking, e-commerce). On those rare occasions when I’m not thinking about startups, FinTech, AI, financial inclusion, or some other facet of tech, I enjoy surfing, beach volleyball, reading (good old paper books).


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Credolab SDK
    Credolab SDK
    Approve more customers more confidently
    Dec 2021
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntNovember 18th, 2021