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  • Mike Borozdin

    Mike Borozdin

    Entrepreneurial software engineer
    4 points
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    Mike Borozdin
    Avoid living in the echo chamber - find different perspectives on the news you read Just paste a link to an article and we will find different views for you.
    Take a news article you read and find other views on it
    Mike Borozdin
    Worried about an expensive mortgage? Check the app I built to plan a mortgage as a series of fixed rate terms and see how a change in interest rate will affect how much you pay.
    Cashable - Mortgage Planner
    Cashable - Mortgage Planner
    Worried about interest rate - plan a mortgage with Cashable
    Mike Borozdin
    It's great to have equity at a startup. But it is daunting to calculate how much you actually have in $$$, how much you'll have next year, how it'll change if the valuation goes up. I've built Cashable to answer those questions for you.
    Startup equity and stock options calculator