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Milos Stojanovic
This free text to speech tool will read out loud any text with a natural human-sounding voice. You can select several different voices including male, female, or child.
Turn any text into human sounding speech
Milos Stojanovic
Using the powerful rendering engine of the real Chrome browser, you can quickly get a perfect snapshot of any website, no waiting around. We will make sure the site is fully loaded before taking a screenshot. API API
A free, RESTful API used to screenshot any website
Milos Stojanovic
I guess we all know what happens on Facebook when you paste an URL into a post?
Facebook's server automatically grabs the title, description, and picks a thumbnail image from the original website.
Our API service will do this work for you!
LinkPreview API
LinkPreview API
Preview Links with API. Get JSON Response for any URL
Milos Stojanovic
GETPing will trigger an email, sms or slack notification on a simple GET request. Since the API is so simple, you can easily append a curl command to your Linux commands and monitor systemd services, cron jobs or custom events from your app.
Trigger an email sms or slack notification with a simple GET
Milos Stojanovic
- Multiple storage adapters (Local, FTP, S3, Dropbox and many others via Flysystem)
- Multiple auth adapters with roles and permissions
- Multiple session adapters
- Single page front-end (built with Vuejs, Bulma and Buefy)
- Chunked uploads (built with Resumable.js)
- No database required
Free Multi-User File Manager for Online Files