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Noodle is a self-hosted platform aimed at open-source developers, where their supporters can contribute small donations. Its mission is to provide a simple, secure, and cheap way for developers to receive financial backing.
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Get support for your open-source projects
Mircea Teodor Oprea
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Since most project I am working on make use of the same tech stack (Rust + API Gateway + Lambda function IAC written in Tofu), I needed a quick way to get started without having to copy-paste files from older projects and rename files and resources.
Therefore, I've built Pont as a solution to copying project templates from both Git repositories and local directories.
Pont: Create and load project templates.
Create and load project templates. Contribute to soupdevsolutions/pont development by creating an account on GitHub.
Pont: Create and load project templates.
Mircea Teodor Oprea
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As I developed and promoted more and more open-source projects, I frequently reviewed the traffic data for each repository on GitHub.
Since GitHub lacks a feature to aggregate data across multiple repositories, I decided to create a web application that consolidates traffic information from all your repositories in one place.
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Get aggregated traffic data from your GitHub repositories.
ghTraffic is a small web application that allows you to view aggregated traffic information from multiple GitHub repositories.
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Get aggregated traffic data from your GitHub repositories.