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ObjectBox TS combines the power of superfast object persistence with time-series data - on the edge. Use your data locally and ObjectBox Sync takes care of efficiently syncing selected data differentially (delta sync) on-premise or to the cloud as needed.
ObjectBox TimeSeries - ObjectBox TS
Superfast object database time series data extension

ObjectBox is a high-performance NoSQL, ACID-compliant on-device database for mobile and IoT. In addition to performance, we aim to build the most straight forward APIs for you to implement ObjectBox.

Mobile Database 10x Faster than SQLite 🚀 Easy to implement

Objectbox is an object-oriented embedded database and a full alternative for SQLite. ObjectBox is incidentally also well-suited for IoT.

ObjectBox is optimized for performance and designed to save app developers from dealing with SQL.

The easy object-oriented database for small devices