Mollie Amkraut Mueller

Mollie Amkraut Mueller

Co-founder at Crew
26 points
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Mollie Amkraut Mueller
Wow, what a beautiful looking product. Can't wait to test it out.
Create custom vision AI apps, using just your phone
Mollie Amkraut Mueller
Wow, looking awesome! Super helpful product. Congrats @karthiks25 and team!
Ignition 1.0
Ignition 1.0
Automate product launch, feature releases & internal comms
Mollie Amkraut Mueller
The Visionary is a Career Design program that brings intentionality to your career by exploring the things that matter to you and envisioning a career you truly love.
The Visionary by Crew
The Visionary by Crew
Use design thinking to plan your next career step
Mollie Amkraut Mueller
Can't wait to use this for our team!
One stop shop for engaging your distributed team