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Monica Keosombath
Enjoyed Netflix? Then you must love Snack Team Training. With an affordable monthly or annual subscription, you can have your team members take as many training programs on Snack as they want, whenever they want.
Snack - A Netflix for Team Training
Snack - A Netflix for Team Training
Get unlimited training programs for your team
Monica Keosombath
TL; DW. VipReader uses NLP + AI to create article-like transcripts for your videos in seconds for FREE. Now you can read, search, and locate a segment within any videos quickly.
Creating article-like transcripts for your videos in seconds
Monica Keosombath
Frustrated by watching an hour-long video to find the piece you need?
SnackVids uses NLP + AI to help you locate the bite-sized segment you want in seconds.
SnackVids - Smart In-video Search
SnackVids - Smart In-video Search
Find the bite-sized segment you want in any long videos