monika koradia

monika koradia

part time technopreneur
2 points
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monika koradia
You can add as many automated jobs as you want. Add a job, set timings, and wait. Our system will be always watching and notify you when needed based on your preferences. APIs will give more insights for you to take decisions .
Manage your cron jobs very easily like never before
monika koradia
We are changing the way eCommerce works around us. Unlike other eCommerce platforms, we are sending a newsletter containing a list of product suggestions based on subscribers' preferences like age, skin tone, any event, etc.
Parivesh Accord
Parivesh Accord
Subscription based E-Commerce
monika koradia
Generally, many teams suffer a lot when there is no proper flow of managing agenda and taking notes, which leads to big frustration to everyone. with that fact, I have created this tool to take and keep a note in one place. Take a look & give your feedback.
Meetings Buddy
Meetings Buddy
Change the way meeting you help