Monique Meneses

Monique Meneses

Founder of iota, a personal care line.


Hi everyone! I'm the founder of iota, a new, first-of-its-kind Nutritional Bodycare brand with its uniquely comprehensive approach to skin health in bodycare. We're launching on 9/28/22 and it will be an exciting (and tumultuous) journey ahead for sure, but we couldn't be more excited to get going! I feel fortunate to be able to join the Product Hunt community and learn from everyone, and perhaps throw in my 2 cents now and again :) Thanks for having me!


Gone streaking
Gone streaking

Maker History

  • Supervitamin Body Wash+
    Supervitamin Body Wash+
    The first body wash designed to improve skin health.
    Nov 2022
  • 🎉
    Joined Product HuntSeptember 27th, 2022