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Shopileads - Simplifying lead gen by AI
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Lightspeed Shopify & Webflow development. Fidee aims to offer a less risky alternative to hiring employees & Agency’s. All your development, branding & Copywriting in one place. Pay the same amount every month. Cancel, pause or continue at any time.
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Complete our form and we provide you over 40.000 qualified e-commerce leads per month for your SaaS, Shopify APP, Consulting business, Agency or Freelance business.

Our Beta Offer is open to only 50 users. Let's scale with Shopileads.
Find the most e-commerce qualified leads with AI
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started a discussion

Why don't most developers want to partner with marketers?

Simple question: "Why don't most developers want to partner with marketers? I would like to see your answer and debate with you! Thanks
Rémi MRR
Rémi MRR
started a discussion

🚀 Marketing tips to get$10.000 MRR quickly.

Hi everybody, The biggest mistake SaaS developers make is neglecting marketing. I'll share with you here some tips to develop your SaaS without too much budget. First of all, don't create a SaaS without doing a market analysis! If your product is more or less similar to 200 others on the market, there is a problem. Second advice: Find your market before building your SaaS and come up with an...