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Max Savin
Every day, we generate new color schemes and share them with our X audience of nearly 150,000 people, and then rank them by engagement. With endless options, you'll never have a dull moment in your design journey.
Color Schemer Gallery
Color Schemer Gallery
Generated by AI and curated on X
Max Savin
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Max Savin
Max Savin
started a discussion

What is a good product listing promotion service?

There are quite a few of them now - Instaaa, PressNotify, PromoteHour, etc - but the quality seems to vary depending on how hard the team is trying. Who is on top of their game today?
Max Savin
Max Savin
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Might have to throw in my application :D
Stacks Accelerator
Stacks Accelerator
$50k Investment + 3 Month Program for Web 3.0 Startups
Max Savin
In today's world of simple designs, choosing the right colors matters more than ever. Paletter offers flexible controls that will help you find all the colors and variants you could ever need.
Create Professional Color Palettes from a Single Color
Max Savin
Max Savin
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When is the coffee subscription coming :D
Order ahead for coffee and snacks from local cafés
Max Savin
Max Savin
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I like the idea, but find it odd that none of the furniture items match each other.
Flexible, beautiful office furniture for growing companies
Max Savin

Hacker News Detox is a twice-a-day newsletter, taking all the Top Stories that make it to the front page and putting them together for you in an email.

Hacker News Detox
Hacker News Detox
Get Your Procrastination Under Control
Max Savin
Max Savin
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Where's the ICO?
A better way to manage data on the Ethereum blockchain
Max Savin
Max Savin
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Free idea for your v2: round the corners of the video excessively
Youtube Notch Mode
Youtube Notch Mode
Bring the magic of the iPhone X’s new display to YouTube
Max Savin
Max Savin
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