Natalia Demianenko

Natalia Demianenko

πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’» Enthusiastic Developer
100 points


πŸ“‘ radio engineer by education 🐞 tester by calling πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’»developer at heart For a long time, I worked professionally in testing, both manual and automated. During my maternity leave, I decided I wanted to create my own product. At the same time, AI technologies were gaining traction, and I had accumulated a lot of experience (and frustration) in scraping, both through tools and coding. So it was only natural that the AIScraper came into existence, and it now takes up most of my time and energy πŸ’œ If you've read this far, let's connect!🀝


Tastemaker 5
Tastemaker 5
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking 10
Gone streaking
Gone streaking
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Maker History

  • AIScraper
    AI-Powered Web Scraping Tool
    Sep 2024
  • πŸŽ‰
    Joined Product HuntSeptember 1st, 2023