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    Nathália Leite
    Pluckd Talent Search finds the best matched employees for an open position and unlock talent that would otherwise go unrecognized.
    Pluckd Talent Search
    Pluckd Talent Search
    Uncover the talent hiding inside your business
    Nathália Leite
    FeedSpark is for people who want to become 1% better every day - and know that actionable feedback is the way to do it.
    Use it to collect feedback from your peers and teammates!
    📣 We're on its 1st product iteration and I would love to hear from you!
    Give and receive Peer Feedback like a 🧙‍♂️
    Nathália Leite
    Pluckd helps companies build a great culture. It maps the skills inside the company and your personal goals; then it connects people with potential mentors and supporters, so they get inspired by peers they would have never been able to interact with before!
    Bring all teams together 👯 with shared goals 🤝