Nicolas Penot

Nicolas Penot

Design > automate > scale techs
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Nicolas Penot
Graphql Backend Backed By PostgreSQL And Postgraphile. Open source and managed.
Agoston is currently in pre-alpha. Give your email and get notified when we move into version 1.0:
If you like it, share it :)
Agoston (Pre-Alpha)
Agoston (Pre-Alpha)
Graphql Backend Backed By PostgreSQL And Postgraphile
Nicolas Penot
Send multiple SQL queries (simple or complex) in a single REST call and get exactly the fields you need. Eliminate the over- and under-fetching problem that REST has and leverage the native HTTP caching methods.
DataHub (Alpha)
DataHub (Alpha)
Managed RESTful SQL Databases For Backend
Nicolas Penot
We are developing a brand new SQL database system.
It's going to be Open Source.
It's developed in C and C++.
It aims to protects people data privacy and data security by default and by design.
With ACID, SQL and high performance.
Database that secures your data + protects your data privacy