Andreu Salles

Andreu Salles

Product Designer / Indie Maker
12 points
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Andreu Salles
2021 Restrospective of the most important movies in different categories; it's also an opportunity to add all the films that you missed last year to your watchlist.

There's also a personal 'Year in Review' similar to Spotify unwrapped for pro accounts.
Letterboxd Year in Review 2021
Letterboxd Year in Review 2021
2021 in review for the global community of film lovers
Andreu Salles
Andreu Salles
started a discussion

Fighting Netflix's Paradox of Choice

Hi everyone πŸ‘‹, I am working on a side project to make it easier to choose a movie, especially for couples and groups. The app will show you a limited list of the most popular movies based on your location and your VOD services (no AI recommendations for now). What would be for you the ideal number of movies on that list? What's the largest number of movies we could display before entering...
Andreu Salles
Prevent eye strain, blurry vision, and dry eyes with the 20-20-20 rule. Rest Your Eyes will help you keep track of time and remind you when it's time to take a break. Available in English, Spanish, Italian, and Catalan for iOS, iPadOS, and Apple Silicon Macs.
Rest Your Eyes 2.0
Rest Your Eyes 2.0
Get rid of digital eye strain with the 20 20 20 rule
Andreu Salles
Prevent eyestrain following the 20-20 rule. Take a 20-second break from screens every 20 minutes and look something far away.
The App will help you keep track of time and remind you when it's time to take a break and Rest Your Eyes.
Rest Your Eyes
Rest Your Eyes
Prevent eyestrain caused by screens with the 20-20 rule.