Nerius Vaškevičius

Nerius Vaškevičius

Independent iOS developer
16 points
All activity
Nerius Vaškevičius
Create application icons and image sets from SVG or PNG files in seconds!
Just drag your SVG or a high resolution image file to SVG Assets, select supported devices and drag the resulting "AppIcon.appiconset" folder straight to Xcode or Finder.
SVG Assets for Mac
SVG Assets for Mac
No more manual icon resizing
Nerius Vaškevičius

Lacoon is the most simple way to see and share your GPS information on your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.

Choose between different units of measurement and share via a plain text or Google or Apple Maps link.

See and Share your GPS Information
Nerius Vaškevičius

Jay is a Twitter app for Apple Watch. It lets you view your timeline, like, tweet, search for users and tweets, view images, gifs and videos – straight from your Apple Watch.

Just sign-in on your iPhone and you're ready to go.

Twitter on Apple Watch