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Nick Andrews
Want to learn a technical skill - but only have an hour? HourUps is a curated collection of the best free crash courses from YouTube. Learn a skill (e.g. Python, JavaScript) or start a new career track. It's like Coursera - but completely free!
Learn in-demand tech skills
Nick Andrews
As a photographer, I'm constantly comparing all the various lenses out there. Technical information on lens specs is all over the place, so I combined it all into one location. With Lensvana, you can quickly compare and sort lenses (Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc.)
Find Your Dream Camera Lens
Nick Andrews
Job Outlook is an easy way to browse and search through U.S. Employment Outlook data (courtesy of the BLS).
Browse jobs by:
- Total employment
- Median wage ($)
- 10-Year Growth Rate (%)
- 10-Year Growth Rate (# of jobs)
- Education level required
... and more!
USA Job Outlook
USA Job Outlook
U.S. Employment Outlook - Find The Most Promising Careers
Nick Andrews
ZapChart is a free tool for creating and sharing simple charts. You can enter values and have a chart created in seconds, ready to be downloaded as a PNG or shared on social media!
Create and Share Charts With Anyone
Nick Andrews

BagPlanner is a handy tool for creating your travel packing list (and sharing it with others).

Users can add items by category (e.g. Clothing, Electronics) and keep track of total pack weight.

Create and share your travel packing lists
Nick Andrews

Are you a nomad or a soon-to-be expat? Your New Base is your one stop shop for finding great serviced apartments around the world. Browse listings, read reviews, and contact properties you're interested in. Finding Nomads a Home.

Your New Base
Your New Base
Find and Book Serviced Apartments