Nicole Landgraff

Nicole Landgraff

Launching Delibr AI for Product Managers
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Nicole Landgraff
Nicole Landgraff
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Looks great! Well done maker-team 🤩
AI that powers your entire content lifecycle
Nicole Landgraff
Nicole Landgraff
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What are use cases where AI could be (or has been) helpful to you in product management?

We have spent a lot of time thinking of different ways AI can help product managers in their day-to-day work as well as what prompts are needed to get the most out of AI. Some of the more common use cases that have come up are summary of a PRD for an exec, writing a draft help center article for support, or a marketing brief for product marketing.
Nicole Landgraff
Harness the endless potential of AI. Supercharge your productivity with guidance and help writing. Epic documents that connect across the PM process. It's a game changer! Get 50% off for 6 months if you sign up today!
Delibr AI
AI-assisted end-to-end product management platform