Nikil Viswanathan

Nikil Viswanathan

Co-Founder, Alchemy
173 points
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Nikil Viswanathan
Nikil Viswanathan
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Living Images
Optimize your images with generative A/B testing
Nikil Viswanathan
Nikil Viswanathan
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Super cool!
The work assistant to search across all your company’s apps
Nikil Viswanathan
Blockchain development is hard. Alchemy makes it easy. Alchemy’s developer platform powers the top blockchain applications, millions of end users globally, and over $7.5 billion in transactions. Starting today, it’s available for everybody.
Blockchain development made easy
Nikil Viswanathan
Nikil Viswanathan
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Such a cool product!!!
Thunkable ✕
Thunkable ✕
The platform where anyone can build their own mobile apps
Nikil Viswanathan
Nikil Viswanathan
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Super cool! What's on the roadmap for the product?
Find Journalists by Upbeat
Find Journalists by Upbeat
AI powered journalist finder helping founders hack PR
Nikil Viswanathan
Nikil Viswanathan
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haha what how is this on product hunt - can we take this down?
Down To Lunch
Down To Lunch
Press one button to get lunch with friends
Nikil Viswanathan
Down To Lunch
Down To Lunch
Press one button to get lunch with friends
Nikil Viswanathan
Nikil Viswanathan
left a comment
This looks sweet! Great job guys!
A stethoscope through your smartphone.
Nikil Viswanathan
The Real SF Map
The Real SF Map
See which friends work close by
Nikil Viswanathan
Remember When
Remember When
Bond with friends over great memories