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Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
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Congrats on the launch and good luck!
Collabwriting 2.0
Highlight, share, collaborate, 3 steps to build knowledge
Nikola Cvetkovic
Automate your documents within minutes and reduce tedious, repetitive tasks. Optimize your business with an all-in-one contract and workflow automation solution.

#1 Documents & web forms πŸ“
#2 No-code visual workflows πŸš€
#3 Pipeline automation βš™οΈ
Document automation alchemy
Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
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Congrats on the launch!
Get the most out of your data in the cloud
Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
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Congrats on the launch, the product looks amazing! Thanks for the 80% discount.
β€˜SaaS’-iest open-source no-code platform
Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
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Looks interesting! How do you plan to source the books?
Suvojit Manna
I'm making a booksite to make it easier for founder to find relevant books. Made the first mockup.
Suvojit Manna
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Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
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I like how straightforward the solution is. Congrats on the launch and good luck!
The safest way to convert Facebook group members into leads
Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
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I learned that it is ok not to know. That sometimes if we truly had a choice we would have made it.
What is the single most important thing you have learned in the last year?
Nikola Cvetkovic
Nikola Cvetkovic
started a discussion

How do you draft your SaaS Privacy Policy and Terms of Service?

Do you use a template and what are the things you pay attention the most?