Nitish Rathee

Nitish Rathee

building responsible tech.
115 points
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Nitish Rathee
Nitish Rathee
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Really cool!
Testimonials made easy
Nitish Rathee
Nitish Rathee
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@levelsio This is amazing!
This House Does Not Exist
This House Does Not Exist
Generate your own architecture designs with A.I.
Nitish Rathee
Nitish Rathee
left a comment
Absolutely love it!
Equals Import Scripts
Equals Import Scripts
A spreadsheet with SQL, JavaScript, and Python built in
Nitish Rathee
Nitish Rathee
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absolutely love it! @maxprilutskiy
Page analytics for your Notion workspace!
Nitish Rathee
Nitish Rathee
started a discussion

How much would you pay for privacy?

Curious how much you as a user would be willing to pay every month to not be tracked on the net, ever.
Nitish Rathee
unpop is a weekly social ballot where we put questions to a community vote.
What % of Twitter users are bots?
Nitish Rathee
Nitish Rathee
left a comment
@katherine_liu I absolutely love it!
Nifty Generator
Generate your NFT collection with no code
Nitish Rathee
ever wanted to just pick up the phone and talk? every sunday we connect you for a 10 minute call with a member of the community at random. experience a different perspective every weekend.
Over a call
Meet new people every week over 10 min calls