Doron Adler

Doron Adler

Programmer, Experimenting with ML models
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Doron Adler
Toonify Yourself was made by Justin Pinkney and Doron Adler for fun and amusement using deep learning and Generative Adversarial Networks (StyleGAN for image pairs and Pix2PixHD for training).
Cartoonify your selfies
Doron Adler

PoWHCoin is a fully automated Pyramid Scheme. Every Time a Token is purchased, the token price grows by ~0.25% and 10% Of the buy-in-price is given as ETH dividends to each previous investor (based on how many coins they own). Token is sold? - value decreases by ~0.25%. You can always sell back to the Smart Contract for 90% of current value

A fully autonomous and Self-Sustaining Pyramid Scheme
Doron Adler
Day of the Tentacle (Remastered)
Day of the Tentacle (Remastered)
A remaster of the 1993 cartoon puzzle adventure game
Doron Adler
Glide for Apple Watch
Glide for Apple Watch
Get notifications & watch live videos right from your wrist!