Expo is a free and open source toolchain built around React Native to help you build native iOS and Android projects using JavaScript and React.
📸 Camera, push notifications, ARKit, and so much more.
🍎 Distribute to app stores.
✈️ Over the air updates to published projects.

Expo enables you to build cross-platform native apps using only JavaScript.
In addition to React Native components, you'll have access to the Expo SDK, a library that provides a wide range of native APIs on iOS and Android. Expo can also manage assets for you, handle push notifications, and build your native binary for submission to the app store.

Native Directory is a destination for finding any libraries that work with React Native. There are four sub categories, libraries that work with iOS, libraries that work with Android, libraries that work with Expo, and libraries that even work on the web.
Native Directory takes submissions at https://github.com/react-community/native-directory