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Introducing Reactive Workflows, a powerful new feature by from!
Bring Zapier-like automations to your GitHub repository. Simply specify instructions like "Whenever a bug report is created, post in our #bug-report Slack channel with a link."
Reactive Workflows [LW24]
"If X, then do Y" for your GitHub repository
Nick Bradford
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this is the investment app i've always dreamed about!
One question though - for people who work in industries where they have to report individual stock trades but not ETF trades (for regulatory reasons), is it still possible to use Double?
Design your own stock index
Nick Bradford
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this is brilliant! great application
Master pronunciation with your voice clone
AI Code Reviews that automatically catch logical bugs, anti-patterns, documentation drift, and can even enforce your team style guide. Simply open a PR to get a code review. Then, if any bugs are found, squash them with 1-click Bug Fixes. Free trial available.
Ellipsis (YC W24)
AI code reviews & bug fixes
Nick Bradford
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nice! one request: for my prompt to be visible after I get feedback, so I can quickly edit it and ask for another round of feedback
Validate your startup idea & actually get useful advice
Nick Bradford
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wish you luck on your solopreneurship journey!
Followers Games
Make Twitter growth fun with goals, tracking & achievements
Nick Bradford
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surprisingly good! the landing page demo did seem to struggle a bit at the beginning with re-introducing itself to me, thinking my name was Paul, and being a bit confused when I asked it questions, but the dialogue and video was very neat
Conversational Replicas by Tavus
Build with real-time digital twins that speak, see & hear
Nick Bradford
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a perfect use case, very happy to see this!
Elevenstudios by ElevenLabs
Fully managed video and podcast dubbing
Nick Bradford
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super smooth, cool!
Silence Remover
Cut the silence from your videos, TikToks and podcasts
Nick Bradford
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support for Tailwind coming?
Gradient Generator v2
Create gorgeous gradients in 8 color spaces
Nick Bradford
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very cool!
Zipcode Heat Map
Generate heat maps of US states and counties from zip codes
Nick Bradford
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been looking for something this convenient, thanks!
Invisible Character Viewer
Detect and identify hidden unicode in text strings
Nick Bradford
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Cool! Though testing it out on our website, I got "NaN seconds" for all metrics?
Web vitals and performance monitoring