I'm a frontend engineer with a passion for building user-friendly and engaging web applications. I have experience with a variety of technologies, including React, Next.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. I'm also familiar with backend technologies such as Express, Node.js, and Firebase. Being a strong believer in the power of reusable components, I always use a component-based approach to development. This helps to improve scalability and reduce development time. I'm always looking for new opportunities to collaborate with others. I enjoy working in a team environment, and I believe that knowledge and resource sharing is essential for success and growth.
Gone streaking
Maker History
- CourseappCreate a course site directly from your CLIDec 2024
- ClassroomIOThe open source platform for tech bootcamps
- ClassroomIOOct 2024
- ClassroomIONov 2023
Joined Product HuntJune 14th, 2023