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This is a great product idea - can't wait to get on and check it out this weekend!
Affiliate Corner
Affiliate Corner
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Hey marketers, Lou here. As I was creating my content repurposing tool. I realised that so few marketers understood let alone could utilise TikTok as a viral marketing strategy. So, I created the million views playbook to show you how...
The 1,000,000 Views Playbook
Free guide on how to master virality as a content marketer
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What is the Best Type of Content?

What type of content is best (marketing POV)? What do you create? and how do you create it? Doing Market research for Spread (
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The only newsletter I will actually click...
Indie Letters
Not a marketing but "growth" marketing newsletter for makers
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Great stuff Lou! :)
The first referral tool for newsletters
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How Bad is my Landing Page? ROAST ME

Really looking for honest feedback. Raw, unfiltered feedback that HURTS! Check it out -
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Why I Request Users to Pay for my BETA. (Landing page Hack)

This is an experiment I have only started running today, and I'm already giggling at the thought of this conversion rate... So if you haven't clicked the link yet, I basically have two signup forms at the bottom of my landing page. ( The first one is for a $1 Prime access account to the Spread Beta. The second is a $0 Standard access account to the Spread...
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I'm dying for an answer too! However, I believe many people pay professional animators instead of making them themselves!
Gergely Varga
Which software(s) do you use to create animated short videos about your product?
Gergely Varga
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How to (actually) get more subscribers without creating any more podcasts.

Why every Podcast needs to be a blog. How to maximize subscribers from every post. Your podcast is great. Well done! - But no one can find it. Podcasting is still relatively young, and even though the competition is low(ish), it's still insanely difficult to gain a huge following. Especially from only podcasting alone. The majority of podcast followers actually find you from outside of the...
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What is the best piece of marketing content you have ever produced? + Drop the link!

Drop any blog, youtube video, podcast, or social media post below. I want to see what you guys are able to come up with! :)
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How long did this software take to be built?
Srinivas Miriyala
Opening the door to AI empowered Transcription, Captioning, and Translation; Anytime & Anywhere
Srinivas Miriyala
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I made 5 landing pages. Deleted everything. I went back to basics and saw the highest signup rate.

Hey guys, I just wanted to share this little story with you all! It might even help a few of you... So as the title says I made 5 landing pages. Each new one I made more elaborate and detailed than the former. I was expecting more and more signups with each iteration. Signups came to a complete halt. It started to annoy me a little bit. I added more detail, more GIF's, more pictures, more...
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What projects are you working on for Product Hunt?

I'm new here - as you can probably tell. I have an idea that may be very suitable for Product hunt (Spread.Software), but I'm not sure if it's the right fit or not for you lovely people... :( I want to hear what you are all working on, so I know if Spread will be a good fit for PH... Drop a comment :)