Oleg Petriienko

Oleg Petriienko

Frontend Development Team Lead at Luzmo
12 points
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Oleg Petriienko
Get instant, concise answers to any data question, backed by a chart for easy understanding. Empower your customers with faster, clearer insights. Integrate Luzmo IQ as an AI-powered assistant, embedded search or power your app with our components and APIs.
Luzmo IQ
Luzmo IQ
Embeddable AI insights for every customer
Oleg Petriienko
Break free from the limits of traditional BI tools and chart libraries. Build immersive data experiences with Luzmo's flexible, code-first SDK. Get all the building blocks you need to create tailored, engaging data interactions that keep users coming back.
Luzmo Flex
Luzmo Flex
Build innovative data experiences for your users