Omid G

Omid G

Indie no-coder. Marketer.
54 points
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Omid G
LLC, C Corp and DAO LLC formation. EIN. U.S. address and bank account. Access to U.S. payments. Free tax consultation. Annual state compliance. IRS tax filings. And more. File from anywhere, as a US or Non-US resident, in minutes. Powered by doola.
doola Company Formation API
Create an LLC, C Corp or DAO LLC from the command line
Omid G
doola Banking enables entrepreneurs around the globe to open a business bank account in the US. As of today, all companies formed with doola have access to doola Banking and are eligible to receive a business credit card — no credit history or SSN required.
doola Banking
A new way for LLCs to bank and build credit in the US