Pavlo Razumovskyi

Pavlo Razumovskyi

Hacking products
315 points
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Pavlo Razumovskyi
Let your images optimize themselves in minutes with generative AI. Just enter your site, select the images you want improved, and add our script or image URL. ​​Our AI tests and learns what works over time, generating images that perform better and better.
Living Images
Optimize your images with generative A/B testing
Pavlo Razumovskyi
Pavlo Razumovskyi
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AI powered product tagging tool
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Pavlo Razumovskyi
Try tattoos in real-time with augmented reality
Pavlo Razumovskyi

INKHUNTER for Android

INKHUNTER for Android
Augmented Reality app to try on tattoos
Pavlo Razumovskyi

INKHUNTER is an augmented reality app that lets users virtually try on any tattoo. The company is now building a marketplace to allow its 8 Million users to directly book tattoo artists.

INKHUNTER - Tattoo App
Augmented Reality app to try on tattoos