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Paul Koullick
It's GPT-4 fine-tuned on US tax law. Every few days, human CPAs grade its answers. So far? 86% accuracy.
Ask an AI Accountant
Ask an AI Accountant
AI accountant, graded by human CPAs
Paul Koullick
Keeper Tax (YC W19) is launching a new tax filing software designed for freelancers. It uses AI to automatically scan your 2019 purchases for tax write-offs, and integrates those savings into your return. This service is currently only available in the US.
Keeper Tax
TurboTax for freelancers
Paul Koullick
As a freelancer, taxes are not being withheld from your paychecks. That’s why it’s important to set aside money during the year to avoid a nasty surprise.
Freelace tax rate calculator
Freelace tax rate calculator
Find out how much to set aside for taxes (US only)
Paul Koullick
US freelancers need to pay quarterly taxes. It sucks. I built a tool to help make it a little bit easier. The calculator returns how much you should pay Federal and State, as well as the penalty you'll be avoiding by making the payment.
Quarterly Tax Calculator
Quarterly Tax Calculator
Calculate your quarterly tax payment in 7 seconds
Paul Koullick
Paul Koullick
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I love this!! Trading for hackers 😎
Alpaca API for Algorithmic Trading
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Paul Koullick
Easily calculate your quarterly payment for both State and Federal taxes. Behind the scenes, we're using the latest tax brackets, credits, and deductions ... so you don't have to! Brought to you by the team at Keeper
Quarterly Tax Calculator for Freelancers
Quarterly Tax Calculator for Freelancers
See how much you owe to state and federal in 7 sec