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Harsh Bararia
Create your own custom SVG patterns with SVG Ptrn's easy-to-use pattern generator. Customize colors, shapes, and sizes to fit your design needs.
SVG Ptrn
SVG Ptrn
Create your own custom SVG patterns with SVG Ptrn's
Harsh Bararia
Harsh Bararia
left a comment
UI looks clean and simple. Will definitely try. Good luck!
Scrape tables from thousands of websites instantly
Harsh Bararia
Harsh Bararia
started a discussion

What's the best way to share an update of your product on product hunt?

You have launched your product and its been weeks. Now their is a major update in your app, how will you let the community know about this update?
Harsh Bararia
Elevate your vocabulary with Kards, the innovative language-learning app. Swipe right to effortlessly master new words, enhance your language skills, and embark on a journey of knowledge. Elevate your word game with Kards today!
Swipe right to learn the word