Philip Dam

Philip Dam

Co-Founder @ Reactive
19 points
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Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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Beds in the Office - Issue or Not?

"Elon Musk’s tweet confirms he’s added staff beds at Twitter HQ—but insists he’s just helping ‘tired employees’"
Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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Wait this is hilariously amazing lol
Google Sheets Escape Room
Win $2,000 by conquering the spreadsheet escape room
Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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I believe so!
Jonathan Schwalie
Hello all, quick question - sorry I'm new here. Are crypto trading related products allowed?
Jonathan Schwalie
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Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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This is an interesting concept. What would this look like theoretically?
is there a space for a platform that enables freelancers to form co-op like agencies on bchain
Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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You can show me your work anytime haha
Derick Park
How did you get over the fear of failure?
Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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Gordana Laskovic
Let's connect on Twitter 🔍
Gordana Laskovic
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Philip Dam
Philip Dam
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A timely and helpful toolkit. Keep up the good work!
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