Aymeric Gallissot

Aymeric Gallissot

Co-founder, iOS Software Engineer
69 points
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Aymeric Gallissot

Salaiiire, a handy simple app that will let you convert your gross salary into net salary,

so you’ll instantly know how many green ones you’ll make it rain. 💰

Only available in France 🇫🇷 for the moment, because you know, T A X E S. 💸

A handy app to convert your gross salary into net salary
Aymeric Gallissot
Shoot and print moving photos 🔥 It's alive!
Aymeric Gallissot
Aymeric Gallissot
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Seriously, we can talk about design taken from Stripe?
Beautifully simple store locator
Aymeric Gallissot
Facebook Account Kit
Facebook Account Kit
Register for apps using your phone number or email address
Aymeric Gallissot
Take it
Take it
Print your best photos for free (really). Shipped worldwide.